It's all an act;

Donovan Tan
Holy Innocents' High School

Basketball, Computer, Hanging out with friends, Money!, Magic.

- Flowers And Trees In My Path -

Bee Kuan
Choi Yee
Miss Debra Chew
Wang Qian
Wei Jun
Wei Ping
Zhan Wei

Experiences of the Past;

09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006

Taggots' Corner___.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Ingrowth Toe Nail (Correct Spelling?) + Severe Infection.

I felt the pain on Wednesday, but I ignored and continued daily activities.

On Thursday, infection was showing, but I didnt really do more than just applying medicating cream I found inside my kitchen's cabinet.

On Friday, it got a LITTLE bit worst, but nevertheless I still attended the LAST basketball training; which I've been skipping ALL THE WAY since the holidays started, due to work. Ouch. I think that's a huge contributor to the state I'm in right now.

On Saturday, walking became a hinderance. I had to minimise walking, and I was looking for better medication cream in my dad's bedroom. It hurts, pretty much, but I still went to work as it doesnt cause any disrupt to my vocal or mental health. Flesh; pus; blood, everything was coming out. The countdown meeting with my primary sch friends were cancelled, so I called Clara and she accompanied me till 11.30 before joining her friends, which luckily didnt take the aeroplane unlike my side. During the walk at Citylink, some fucker kicked my leg, and man, I tell you; I yelled. The strange thing was no one heard, except Clara. And I immediately went home. Straight.

On Sunday, I went fishing with my family; a long planned event since 3 weeks ago? I took a chair, sat down, and started casting, and it was roughly an hour till I got a bite. I stood up; thats all I could do, no walking. Thus, I couldnt follow the direction of the fish was swimming, and I was letting my tension too loose which allowed the bloody fish to swim right to underneath the "bridge" I was standing on, and got my line snapped the moment it touched the edge of the wood.

The main cause; I didnt walk, I COULDN'T walk.

I was so damn pissed. When you miss the first catch of the day it means that your entire day at the fishing pond is gone. $35 gone, 8 hours of your life doing nothing more than casting the rod and hooking up nothing but seaweed; gone. I changed my reel to "Fireline", some type of line that even a pair of scissors cant even cut through; you have to snap it like 3 or 4 times then it'll break. But since then, I didnt even feel a tug for like 3 or 4 hours.

And my toe hurts like hell, very very bad. I had pus flowing non-stop, and like a 2-cm piece of flesh protruding out, and practically disabled my entire right foot. And off I am, to the car, to sleep and to enjoy music; hopefully can relieve the pain.

Useless. We went to the clinic after the wasted day at Yishun Fishing Pond, and the doctor said that he was UNABLE to do ANYTHING at all, because:

- I'll scream so hard that the patients outside will think he's killing someone inside.
- It'll be very very messy.
- He doesnt have enough facilities to do anything.
- The queue outside was too long.

And off to CGH, A&E department. Mini OT Theatre. It was exactly like TV programmes. Green "curtains", knifes, the huge spot like above your very eyes, etc. I yelled when the doctor (female), cleaned my wound. I yelled when she gave me my jab; 3 jabs, if I remembered.

The worst thing was when she sliced my toe, I wasnt feeling 100% numb. Yes, I yelled as well, and I practically tore the blanket. She apologised, and waited for like a minute or 2 before continuing. Wow, I'm surprised how great the jab was, I felt NOTHING. When the operation ended 20 minutes later, I could jump, run, and walk normally. I felt nothing at all! Just felt.. Toe-less.

BUT.. when my mum was doing the payment and collection of medicine, the effect of the Jab slowly begins to fade away. Man, I promise you, I wont forget that pain. I was biting my shirt, pulling my hair, and whether if my tears did give way, I dont know. I felt that someone is actually sawing my toe off, BIT by BIT, SHARP pain like needles stabbing non-stop. There was no way I could walk without the help of my mum; I'd probably have to use a wheel-chair if I was alone.

What happened to my toe? A slith below the root of my nail to remove the pus; 1 sitch. Half of my toenail was removed, completely. Not horizontal, but vertically. The piece of flesh that was protruding out that I was mentioning earlier, was also removed. Well, basically, the operation and whatever shit that came before that was still bearable pain. But the moment the effect of the JAB goes away after the op, I almost died. Hahaha.

Oh, and why didnt I take painkillers? The JAB itself is a painkiller, and I have to wait 4 hours before I can swallow those colourful pills that can get me out of misery.

Yes, 4 hours, I waited; 3am. Not a minute later. It took another 20 minutes for the effect to take place, which then got me some sleep.

Overall - One hella experience. I got to feel what exactly PYHSICAL PAIN is like. I cant imagine those people operation on the stomach or having 20 sitches on the back after being in a gang fight would feel. Oh, and you tell me, if its a good start of a new year. Hahaha. =)


All I can say is that you're hella PETTY, I wasnt even scolding you or ANYONE else, I just wanted to know why. It was only said that we go for COUNTDOWN. The part where you guys wanna meet up earlier BEFORE the countdown was because you realised you had the wedding stuff that clashed on that day. Basically, you made up that part.

You wedding dinners weren't on that day of countdown itself. If you could scarifice a couple of sleep, everything would be OKAY. If I were you, I'd probably handle things in another way. A more MATURE way. A win-win situation.
Oh, and my toe wasnt in a very ideal condition on that day itself, but despite that, I still will make it, if only you did.

- "Getting people to go out is that easy?"
You're always being the WET BLANKET, for uncountable times. Call it unique or whatever bullshit, it sometimes gets on my nerves, and I dare to say, most of our nerves. The way you pour cold water; you dont think twice.

Yes, indeed you are ONE of the bigshots among us, the words that comes out of your mouth will always be put to consideration, and eventually, taken to action. You think you can always win, yea, because indeed, you do win all the time.

But now that things are different, yes, I'm out to correct you. I'll make you learn, that even when you're having moodswings, you cant take it out of people. I'll make you learn, that MAJORITY wins.

I guess the times all of us had during 2003', Primary 6, are long gone. All of us have our OWN seperate lives, and the old birds no longer have a spot to stay on the tree. Perhaps its just a FEW of us, that wishes to continue that kind of relationship, friendship. And no, you're definitely not one of them.

Oh heck, take care, thats all I can say. Lets hope you can wake up, after your O's. Hope you excel in your studies, and achieve your goals; because that's probably all you care about. YOURSELF.

Goodbye, Karen. The best memories, will be the scars you left behind.


Yes, and half of the message, applies to WHOEVER thats reading my blog now. Because, honestly, no one else reads my blog, except you guys. Hahaha. =)

How Foolish I was.

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