It's all an act;

Donovan Tan
Holy Innocents' High School

Basketball, Computer, Hanging out with friends, Money!, Magic.

- Flowers And Trees In My Path -

Bee Kuan
Choi Yee
Miss Debra Chew
Wang Qian
Wei Jun
Wei Ping
Zhan Wei

Experiences of the Past;

09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006

Taggots' Corner___.

Friday, October 14, 2005


*Turns caps off*

Lots stuff happened before, during, and after my exams; which is today.

1st Oct 2005

Jesus christ, LEE ASHER IS IN TOWN! James, Paul, Tok, and me went for his lecture at Bayview Hotel, and man, it sure was AWESOME. Besides meeting Lee himself, it was great to meet and interact with other magicians all over Singapore, as well as seeing the REAL professionals have their jamming sessions among one another, from Nique Tan aka Singapore's Best Closeup Magician to Jeremy Tan and Pei, stage experts. My friends and I were like little flies there, and sure as hell, it was a really good experience.

Of course, there was a price to pay and it wasnt a cheap one. $40 per entry for the lecture, which I swear its worth every single cent of it. Over 60 people attented the Lecture, such unexpectancy that extra chairs had to put into use. After that, my friends and I share and bought the entire set of Lee Asher's products, and after dividing, it came up to $36. Damn, a wooping sum of $76 spent in one night, thou lots of knowledge and skills; magic-wise, gained.

Asher and Me. Geez, I'm TALL.


Lets run through the subjects. English was.. easy. Ms Tey said that they purposely made the paper easy, and yes, it sure was, and I hardly have any fear of failing that MAIN subject.

E.maths wasnt so bad, but for the first time in my life, I did not have enough time to complete a particular exam paper. FIRST TIME. I didnt keep track of the time, neither did I do proper planning of how much time I had to spend per question. As a result, 24 marks has already said BYEBYE to me, out of 60. I flunked E.maths Paper 1. Learning my lesson, I planned my way through for paper 2, hoping to move things back on track. Yes, it wasnt so bad, but there was a whole load of shit graphs question, making me lose 15 marks straight in the face. However, I tripled check the questions that I did, thus, I'm pretty confident that the possibility of carelessness will be eliminated.

A.maths, thats what I really wanna talk about. This is a.. JOKER's subject. If I score above 10 or 15 marks out of 80, I'll chop off my dick. Wei Jun, the maths expert only knew 4 out of like 13 questions. Shu Xian had the time to write out a full length essay on how maths sucks, on the extra pieces of foolscape paper, and what she wanted to do for the rest of the day. Jia Sheng tore off 2 foolscape paper, wrote some sort of a letter/poem, and folded it into an aeroplane. The BEST of all, Vincent, our class MONITER, handed in a BLANK answer script. Yes, read that line again, BLANK answer script, except for his name at the top.

Teacher yelled, "What?! You didn't even attempt a SINGLE question?!" as she flips through the 8 pages of blank foolscape paper.

Vincent replied, "I dont know how to do! So hard."

It was REALLY REALLY funny. I was only sitting behind him, and you bet I laughed my butt off. After we were dismissed, all of us asked him why didnt he tried. He said he DID try, but he liquid away everything, becos even if he write something, also will get ZERO, so might as well dont do, rather than do wrong then lose face. Haha. Really joker this guy.

I flunk Social Studies, Geography, Chemistry and A.maths. SS and Geog = combine humans, chem and physics = combine science, and with a.maths, that means 3 out of 7 subjects is down the drain.

As I talk to my friends from other classes, all of them said they will fail. Its not the case where some fucked up nerds come running out of their classes whining how tough the paper was and that they're gonna fail so damn badly, weeping and whining like some faggots, and ending up scoring an A1, claiming that he/she is just lucky. We dont exaggerate, like those people from the Triple sciences class; I'm sure you understand those nerds, there're bound to have some in your school.

Moral of story: Maths Department has tough explaining to do, and 90% of Sec 3 students will drop A.maths next year. No joke.

There was paper 2 for literature, which means we're the absolute the last sec 3 batch of pupils to end exams. Everyone was going home, off to Orchard, to have fun after the mans paper, whilse the poor literature students stay in class to mug Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

"Times up, pens down, stop writing."

I smiled with delight, writing my last sentence, just enough time. Just at that very second, the sky decided to pour. Heavy rain. Fuck, how do I do home now?

Delighted, as well as feeling unlucky, like half of the LIT students decided to walk in the rain, for heck; exams are over. Daryl, Macmillian, Phyllis, Luo Er, Shu Xian, Leon, and me were having a wonderful time swimming ourselves to the bustop whilst I walked home with Leon down the 800 Metres path. Of course, we were SOAKED to our underwears, and he decided to come my house, grab some of my clothes, head home, and go for his friend's chalet. Wonderful idea. He did, left, and I wash myself, pack my stuff, make a couple of calls and off I am, towards Bugis.

Everything was planned, was before exams were ending, of where to go after exams. Met my magic friends, James and Edwin, and its been a while since I hanged out with them.

When we were about to leave Shaw Towers to go to Bugis Street to slack, we met Nicky and then decided to head back to the Magic shop. The girls came; Jeffanie and Wei Yi, and Edwin left. At first, they all wanted to watch movie, but there wasnt time, so they decided to go PS to grab something to eat. Nicky was driving the company car, and hell, its a bloody MPV.

WTF, his driving is gay, does he ever know how to write the word in chinese "death"? He sped the MPV; Matrix; up the spiral carpark, with a ciggeratte in his right hand, smoking away, and the rest 4 of us were all grabbing whatever we could and sort of yell and laugh our way through. It was really funny; Initial D probably has some side-effects.

We ate dinner, and blah blah blah, and its been quite sometimes since I laugh so hard the entire day. Stress-reliever, wootage, mission accomplished.

Reached home at 10, rush to watch Survivor, as I ate the leftovers from the dinner my family left for me. Hahaha.


Man, I hate chickens, whoever you are that posted crap on my blog, I dont know how I've offended you, but if you have a problem, do look for me in person, instead of posting junk on my tagboard with funny names or whatsoever.

I was sabotaged a couple of times this week, and all havent been pleasant, as my repuation in the magic world got wrecked due to a fucking email someone sent. I'm not angry, but instead curious of why people are sabotaging or backstabbing me lately, and its probably that I offended someone that I dont even know I've did so, and I'll be more than glad to know what I did.

If you manage to read this, please, please, do contact me; and I promise I wont beat you up or whatsoever you vivid imagination might bring, or else, you'll always be a chicken deep down inside yourself.

Son of a bitch; now, scold me back.

How Foolish I was.

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