It's all an act;

Donovan Tan
Holy Innocents' High School

Basketball, Computer, Hanging out with friends, Money!, Magic.

- Flowers And Trees In My Path -

Bee Kuan
Choi Yee
Miss Debra Chew
Wang Qian
Wei Jun
Wei Ping
Zhan Wei

Experiences of the Past;

09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006

Taggots' Corner___.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Woohoo, back from the chalet, and I think I'm the first one to make a entry post on the chalet! Hehe. Yes, sure, chalet was a blast.

Was suppose to meet John, Hansheng, Marsha and Floren at Paya Lebar MRT at 11.30am, and the plan was to reach 12.30pm at East Coast to meet the rest; Karen, Carey and Zhan Wei. The night before, Marsha said that 11.30am is too early, it doesnt take 1 hour to reach East Coast. I said that people will be late, we'll get lost, etc and so on, but she claimed that without Carey, no one will be late. Oh great.

But apparently it didnt turn out as expectec, Marsha and Floren arrived at 12.05pm, 35 mins late! Haha. Good thing I made it 1 hour earlier; I predicted. :P

Then we walk to East Coast's Macdonalds, then to the Bicycle Kiosk. Karen's dad knew the shop owner, and we got a huge discount; can u believe it, $5 for 24 hours! On second thought.. The Great Singapore Sale was still on, so.. lol. But indeed, budget to the max. (Quote by Zhan Wei)

We put out bags in Karen's dad's car, and made our way cycling to the chalet. Long journey man, but sure was fun. We reached and they settled the admin stuff, then we sorta of clean up the place and make ice, water, boil water, this and that etc. Apparently, the 3 gays; John, Hansheng and me found absolutely NOTHING to help out with. So we tried to blend into the hussle in the kitchen, like over 10 people inside.. Lol.

Lunch time, I think I have Bee Hoon phobia now? Lol. Karen's youngest sister was quite cute and funny as well, but very mature for a Primary 3 I would say. She look at me, then I look back at her, then I smile and say hello, and I had no idea how she knew I was Donovan, and she must be wondering why I knew that she was Karen's sister. Aww, its like reflection in the mirror.

First activity was bowling, and hohoho, admit it guys, whoever team with me means win liao. Hahaha!.. I think Carey still owes the group a penalty.. Haha. Then we went to the acrade; I spent quite a bit there, but oh well.. And I got thrashed by Marsha in the game of Saucer thing, to be exact, I think she got her scores cos i keep susciding myself. Hahaha.

Then I forgot what next, but I think we were kinda rotting in the chalet and once again we had Bee Hoon for dinner. Baded Karen's parents and the other younger ones goodbye, but hell didnt break lose after they left, afterall, we're guai kids.. ;)

Went night cycling, and we were scaring each other; it was practically pitch darkness. But it was a full moon, so everything wasnt that bad. Settled down at a jetty and it took us a really long time to thing of a game to play, before finally deciding to play truth or dare.. Lol, I only can remember a few, innocent Floren's truth.. Carey's truth.. Oh yea, Zhan Wei's truth was kinda screwed and comical as well, oh yes yes, John and Hansheng danced Tango! Well, Carey being the "Instructor" and her invisible partner.. Dotx. And thanks you guys for reminding me once again what my ambitious was.. Hah.

Back to the chalet, we slacked. Washed up, bathe, and hell, the bathroom rocks. Damn big lor, so shiok man. Watch quite a while of MTVs, had supper, and this time wasnt Bee Hoon, was cup noodles, wasnt any better though.

Then it was back to 3 year old games, murderer, ghost stories and so on.. Aww, nice story especially that the angel ended up at the doorstep with the dynamo washing powder; great twist but i still dont understand! It was around 2 plus when everyone decided to have a "1 hour" sleeping break. The next thing i knew was that it was 7 when everyone was officially awake, though i was already up at 5, i lazed around and catch a bit of sleep here and there. Karen had tummy aches; (do take care of urself, u always fall sick during chalets and sleepovers.. hah.) and Carey was kinda pregnant due to.. uh. Only some would understand this I guess.

The weather wasnt giving us face, and there goes our sunrise. Cycled in the slight rain and went to dunno what "Breakwaters" place. Played that dunno what Mime game. Went back and played a bit of basketball, before going back to pack stuff and get checking out ready.

Checked out, and we cycled back to east coast. Once again, the 3 gays, John Hansheng and me raced down the track, till we finally lost sight of the others. We decided to really take out time to cycle, enjoy the scenary, feel the soft breeze. Then we thought it was kinda unusual cause the other wouldnt be that far behind, so we decided to turn back for them. Halfway, throught HP, we realised they took another track and were FAR FAR ahead from us. 3 of us were like, "What the.." And we then really sped down the track to catch up, and we awefully stained our clothes with mud.

Returned the bikes, retrived our bags, and an unexpected decision was made.. they wanted to come my house! Woah, 2nd time got so many people come my house leh. We watched shutter, and gosh, sure was.. scary.. I'm waiting for the others to come online now to have the huge conference thingy cos.. Uh guys, can u sleep tonight? hahaha. Alright, faster come online lah guys, i very scared! Eeek!

Lol, i do hope we'll have another chalet during the December Holidays, its been really fun with you guys around, anyone, anywhere seems like a perfect place to be in. I never thought our friendship would last so long, even in different schools and that I live so god damn far from town. Its a bunch of extraordinary friends, and you guys would be the last thing I would want to lose in my life; and YOU, I have nothing more to say, but.. a tough, long, sigh.

I Never Left.

How Foolish I was.

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Did someone say update? Well, say it again! Cause I'm about to do so now. :D

Woot, just to mention that I've found myself a job for the June holidays, basically to drive away boredom and "sian-ness" at home or waste my time at the Magic Shops, and also, extra cash is something thats never enough.. =)

Lets recap for the "huge events" in the past week..

6.6.05 Monday

I skipped Mrs Nathan's lesson for straight 3 times; darn it was at 8am, and i doubt that I've woke up at 8am on ANY days of the holidays, so far. Thus, she gave my mum a ring and of course, i was sorta scolded, and I was asked to attend her lessons on that day, which was at 9am, better. :P

Guess what? I walked into the classroom at 9.30am, seeing none of my buddies other than those bloody nerds I'd say. Exception for Johan and Lowell, whom probably saved my ass as there were scripts from them for me to copy. Seeing the questions on the whiteboard, followed by tons of scribbling and graphs; makes me faint. Managed to leave at 11, after handing in the assigned work I owed her for the past 4 lessons. Well, copied work, to be exact. :D

Got a call from carey, and make plans online to go to Sentosa, as everyone was boring dead. Someone took over my work, so its my first day of work leave for the past consecutive 3 working days. Thus, why not? Although very little people lah..

Wait, heh guys, enjoyed waiting for me? Bloody SMRT transport. Well, I was STUCKED on the LRT for 37 mins, exact. It was just 1 stop away, to Punggol MRT. Halfway, the LRT stopped, and minutes later the power went out. No lights, no air-con, no TV, nothing. It was really stuffy, and if there werent little gaps thru the doors here and there, we would have ran out of oxygen. This crazy SMRT guy ran on the tracks from Punggol MRT to the stranded LRT carriage. Somehow he got inside, by opening the emergency door, and restarted the system. I think he did something wrong, and all the windows of the LRT started to fog up and unfog, as you know, LRT todays have the ability to "blind" the windows as a form of privacy to local residental areas. Conclusion, I reached Harbourfront MRT at 3.45, and the meeting time with them was at 2.30; never been so late before in my entire life, afterall it wasnt my fault.. :P

Realised my first mistake, I didnt wear slippers, but my beloved Basketball shoes. Sand was indeed a irritating compound. Having shoes off, we went for the sea, and I was on my usual naughty self and throw a coconut at Marsha while she was waddling in the shallow waters. All the water splash up, bullseye!

Of course, she got her revenge with the help of Carey here and there, and I wasnt any drier than both of them. Well, I doubt Zhan Wei even let his toes touch the salt water. Darn, next time we go Sentosa, you bet we'll dump you into the sea. :[

Karen joined us halfway, she had dunno what course till 4. We then went cycling, and cycling in Sentosa was my first time and it was REALLY fun. Steep roads and straight downhills everywhere, woohoo! Best thing is.. We got lost. And thank you Carey, for bring us in a HUGE circle journey and ending up at the same spot again. I think Karen managed to choose the right path; by luck :P and I was like "yay!" when I saw the sign: Palawan Beach ----> This way

Was 30 mins late, so we had to pay extra $2.50. There goes our dinner money, so.. :(

We decided to have Instant noodles for dinner. Went to 7-11, and we bought 5 cups of Instant Noodles and 2 Big Gulp, around $11; 5 people leh, haha. First time eat at Sentosa so cheap, lol. Found a shelter, and while eating we played cards. The "hot" water we used provided by 7-11 wasnt even hot at all, I could dip my finger in and not get a roasted one. Did a couple of tricks here and there; fancy dealing 4 twos and 4 Aces to myself during a game of Daidee. Haha. But being the usual HONEST guy I am, of course I didnt continue to play on. :P

Reached Harbourfront at 9, parted with the girls as Marsha's dad was picking them up from the station, while Zhan Wei and me headed home by train. Reached home at 10.15pm, wow, what a long day. =)

Then it work work work, will the 8th of June, when its my "Leave" again. Made plans to go Magic City, but wtf..! I was already halfway there while I got the information from Edwin that Nicky sprained his back at 1.30pm; and he could hardly walk now. What the fuck..! After a long sigh, I decided to go Street Magic to see the booth for the upcoming magic competition. Plenty of wonderful stuff to buy, but the prices were.. =( So bought nothing.. Met Wan and Edwin halfway, was really a coincidence, and we paid Solomon a visit at Shaws. Took a cab there, Wan paid the meter, and.. Magic Castle was indeed one hella experience everytime I go there. Solomon slayed me again and again, effects after effects, till I was totally speechless. Practically a god with cards.


Woohoo, Yan Ru has agreed to swap the shifts for the 12pm - 3pm slot with me. Went shopping with mum and we bought hell lot of stuff. She took leave yesterday, as the car had to go for its monthly (i think) services. Damn, imagine shopping without a car, it was really troublesome. Had breakfast at Tiong Bahru Macdonald, then took a train to City Hall station. The Great Singapore Sales was on, and everywhere was Sales here and there. We walked from City Hall to raffles city then back then took train to Taka and walked another couple of hours. It was freaking tiring, and i still had to work at 5pm - 8pm. And I got my ATM card! Woohoo! If everything goes well, I should have another 900bucks coming in this month, from mainly 3 sources, work, sales of online games, and sale of Magic props and stuff. Cheers!

Anyway, I got 3 pair of relaxed fit long pants, 3 Polo tees, 2 tshirts, 3 pairs of addidas socks and a new pair of addidas shoes. Wootage!.. Will pay my mum maybe a couple of hundreds back when I get my paycheck. I've also have my eyes set on Nokia 7270, but the price difference it kinda huge between 6170. Sighs, why is everything about money here money there.. lol.

And hell, that TV show, LOST was really nice. Creepy and exciting. Looks like there's something to do every Thursday night from now on.

And Today.. you know why i decided to blog? Because.. I woke up at 8.30am and there was suppose to be tuition at 9. And guess what, my teacher forgot to come! Hahaha..! So I've got plenty of time; sian-ness to be exact, till 11am, till i leave for work. Hehe.

I'll be leaving town tml, going to Malaysia to.. guess what? Fishing trip again. =) Kelong; they call it, will leave at 5am on the 11th, and back on 12th at late evening. Wish me luck upon huge catchs and yes, will bring back photos and post them up; with demands. :P

Take care, people.

How Foolish I was.

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