It's all an act;

Donovan Tan
Holy Innocents' High School

Basketball, Computer, Hanging out with friends, Money!, Magic.

- Flowers And Trees In My Path -

Bee Kuan
Choi Yee
Miss Debra Chew
Wang Qian
Wei Jun
Wei Ping
Zhan Wei

Experiences of the Past;

09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006

Taggots' Corner___.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

okay, today is a bit.. 'rush-y", lol.

my mum called me at 1.30pm, tell me that all appeal letters for the sec 2 streaming thing must be handed in by 5pm. holy cow, how panic i was. i rush to sch to see the format and how to write the letter, stuff like that. but i soon realised that the notice board was missing. i checked with the general office, and that bitch gave me a heck-care attitude. she say: oh, the teacher take away liao lor. just write reason can already..

but i knew that theres more to write. oh well. this was my last chance, and i kinda blew it. i managed to hand in the letter in at 4.30. i met alot of problems, such as.. my printer couldnt print, but that problem was solved as my pal, xiang yi help me print the letter.. ty..! ;) also, i needed someone to sign the damn letter. but that was also solved, i got the permission from my dad that i can forge. =) my father good right? haha

nvm about that. its a very very slim chance anyway. x.x

okay, lets talk about yesterday, the outing with primary sch friends. =P

we watch a bloody lousy movie, "the forgotten". guys, for those who haven watch this movie, DONT WATCH IT. save ur $8.50!! damn lousy show, i almost slept, serious. sitting arrangement arh.. =(

went to play basketball. damn hard to play lor, the floor sooo slippery plus i wearing jeans.. liew. it was a rainy day, but i felt so hot..! lolz.

we went to eat. i dunno wat is that called, "zhi cha" or sth like that, lol.. we tell the auntie our budget $30, she was like.. O__O lol.. btw, there was 7 of us, lol..

heh guys, spoon benind trick good anot?! WaHahAhA.. nice right..? lolll

after dinner we went to tiong bahru park's playground, i think, lol.. hs left early. left 6 ppl, chat until 10pm.. the content was.. quite fun =) lol..

i reach home at 11.05pm.. hmm, as usual, my good parents didnt scold, so good right? wahhaa.. okay, thats about all. =)

I Am Afraid. Really Afraid. Of The Answer.

How Foolish I was.

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Thursday, November 11, 2004

okay, i feel so much better after the night's sleep. lets continue, shall we?

well, i kinda missed out some stuff which happened on the 1st day. okay, after the BBQ we went swimming. great, i got back the swimming feeling. at first, i jump into the water, i kinda got like.. a shock? lol.. other than there i still can swim lor =)

well.. i didnt do warm-up plus i so long nv swim, i kena leg cramp 2 times. bloody pain sia.. first time, i panic abit. prolly took 2 gulps of water. 2nd time, i remember wat my coach said last time (like 5 - 6 years ago), that when u kena cramp CANNOT panic. =)

during the night, we watch butterfly effect. quite boring, i dont know y my other friends and teachers say it nice. i rate it 6/10.

okay, lets continue.

2nd day (9.11.04)

woke up very late. like 9 - 10 plus. all the pigs, lolll.. i cant really remember anything much, i think we go cycling and rented the bike for 24 hours. 2nd day was cycling, swiming and playing bball. i like 3 of these sports alot. and i feel like.. paradise? lol.. u see arh.. want to play bball then juz go play. hand itchy juz go to court play, so near. after bball, all sweaty rite? go swimm.. also my fav sport. =) then cycling arh.. relaxing man.. cycle slowly.. count the number of trees.. blah blah, lol.. my mind works really well when i do sports or i contact with nature. =)

becos i'm happy.

at like 4, we decided to play water bombs. wah lao, carey, karen, my brother, wee chun, ben and me tie until so chum, then when start playing, less than 2 mins all finish liao.. lolz

soon we run out of bags and we used balloons. didnt work so well, it kinda bounced alot, not burst, lol..we used bottles =) filled the 1.5L bottle with water and juz pour. totally soaked wet. =) shiok..!!

okay, cleaning up starts. and me? i feel like playing bball then i go alone and play. then wee chun joined me and we kinda had a match with some other guys there.

when i reach there, WAH! the girls did such a wonderful job. better than my mum perhaps, haha.. all is clean, except for the wet floor which the fan will handle.

we all then go cycle.. swim.. bball.. etc, i cant rmb, lol. we had dinner at downtown east, KFC. my phone no batt. lended phone from karen and called my mum, making arrangements to bring my brother back.

soon, BYEBYE to my bro and mum, woohoo.. =P

we went to play some bball i think. had a few games with some teams there. was so fun, lol. i love friendly matchs, not competition matches. friendlys are.. usually no cheating, no rough plays and usually i dont sustain injuries. but competition arh.. 20% of the time, we do foul-play. there are skills taught to us on how to "cheat", same goes for other teams. rough play is on all the time. i get elbows on my chest, or even blows to my nose that i can bleed, lol. injuries? lol, hell yes, i like to injure ppl too, wahhahaa.. oh yes, after competition must shake hands 1 rite? knn my foot la.. in front we shake hands, inside we scold this scold that one.. haha. okok, back to chalet.

the act-smart eli, wants to go swimming when the pool is closed. =P i tell u liao.. 99% cannot 1, u dont believe, tio scolding orbi good la u. wahhaha..

previously, i touch the boiling kettle when i didnt know it was boiling. actually, not touch, i brushed my left hand onto the top of the "hole", the hole where steam escapes form the kettle. so wat i touched was steam, and holy fuck.. steam from electric kettles are SUPER hot. i can confirm more than 100 degrees. rather shocking. lol. after that, i couldnt really shuffle cards or hold the bike well when i cycle. i can hardly twist towels.

we went late-night cycling, lol. we used lightsticks and kinda decorated it on our bikes, lol. we cycled the park. felt good, lol. cos no sun mar.

they slept at like around 1 - 2, but i woke up at 4. couldnt sleep. did nothing until like 7 plus, can u believe that? 3 hours, with a empty mind, no one to talk to, everything is still and cold except the the ceiling fan. theres no one i could chat with, infact, i didnt want to chat wif anyone other than her, but she's fast asleep. =)

woke up at 8, packed stuff and went cycling at 9 to 10.15. returned the bikes, went back to chalet. bought drinks for everyone, did a final check, before finally locking up the door at 10.30. checked out at 10.35.

it didnt end here. =) went to white sands but realised that there was no cinema there. went to tampines mall, bought tickets for cellular.

the sitting arrangement was.. =)

nice show, the story was very different from other usual movies.

okay, i'll stop here. no one likes to read lengthy posts, but i do hope u finished reading mine. =) cya guys

Give Me A Chance.

How Foolish I was.

+ + + + +

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

back after the chalet.. 3 days 2 night..! It was a blast~ lets recap shall we? =) this is gonna be a lengthy post.. haha

1st Day

Checked in at 2.30 with mum and brother. hmm, friends were kinda shocked to see the size difference between my bro and i, lol..

Started packing stuff. didnt remember much until my mum left, saying that she'll be back at 5, for the BBQ. =)

okay, the craziness started here. we played guess the number, the loser will have to be a free target for everyone of us to throw water bags on. marsha got it. lol, but it didnt turn out 1 person to be wet, everyone was wet. lmao.. dont get it wrong, marsha wasnt so "pro" that she throw back at us. in other words, it isnt everyone throw marsha. it was everyone V.S everyone, every man for himself, LoLx.

the entire house was wet. the time was like 4 plus, and dont forget my mum's coming at 5! oh shit.. kinda rushed and cleared up the water, switched on the fan to full blast. then, i also dont really care, continue playing other stuff, lol.

my mum came and it didnt turned out too bad. made up some lame stories like the toilet jam, roof got hole.. and stuff like that. hahaaaa...

broke my watch while catching the bball. lost the little pin among the grass and my mum took it to repair. god, i cant live without a watch.

then at 6, we started to make fire for the BBQ. took quite a while, but otherwise, it went rather smoothly. the food was like a bit chao-tar, and the lousy piece of wire mesh provided by costa sands was really lousy lor. the silvery colouring will come off one.. liew.

the food was okay. we couldnt finish all so my mum took back home some. then later in the night, we eat the cooked foods like snacks liddat. lol..

slacked around.. went to pasir ris park.. played some games until 4am before everyone decided to get some rest. i think i only slept 2 - 3 hours.

will continue tml. i'm fucked and pissed now. the more i think abt it, the harder my knuckles get. Don't Test.

How Foolish I was.

+ + + + +

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

first thing first.. new game in the house, "Maplestory".. anyone playing that?? someone tell me what is that game about.. lolz.. anyway, i saw the graphics, its quite nice. very solid. i'll try it tomorrow! i need something fresh, lol.. runescape and cs is boring...

my gaming mood is back, once a while i'll get up at 1am and play till 5, and continue at 7am again, till 7pm. =) well, on saturday nights i play from 1am to next day 7pm, unless my brother or parents complain.. lolz.. oh yes, and i met wang qian on saturday night, and we talked for like 6 hours, lolz.. hmm.. wat do u think 2 guys would be talking in the middle of the night, and for the other, in broad daylight? wahhahaha.. j/k.. ;)

i'm downloading maplestory now.. 170MB, and i think this is the first time i'm downloading something so big since my change of internet to 512KBPS.. and for once i was shocked, the transfer rate is 50KBPS.. wtf.. now i see the difference, lolz. btw the max i've seen with 256KBPS is only 30KBPS.. anyway, woohoo..

today got basketball training, and i actually forgot to go, damn.. eh, really is forgot, no bullshit. woke up at 6.45 by my bro's alarm clock, and started playing comp, until i saw the timetable on my notice board.. "2/11/04 0800 - 1130 VENUE: HDB" i see my watch, 9.50am, forget it.. lolz. i hope i remember to go this thursday, i do want to get into the team next year. =)

latest news, tuition will all start again for me at december.. sounds reasonable, but o well..

alright, thats about all. cya guys~

How Foolish I was.

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