It's all an act;

Donovan Tan
Holy Innocents' High School

Basketball, Computer, Hanging out with friends, Money!, Magic.

- Flowers And Trees In My Path -

Bee Kuan
Choi Yee
Miss Debra Chew
Wang Qian
Wei Jun
Wei Ping
Zhan Wei

Experiences of the Past;

09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006

Taggots' Corner___.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

hi guys, got back my results yesterday. click here to view. wasnt too glad nor sad, disappointed, yes.

lolx. now i'm super bored. both cs and msn is under maintanence, and i can only play runescape. crapz.

i'm going for a swim real soon, prolly tml or next week, lol. i'll drown man. haha..

sighs, the meet today with primary sch friends to watch movie was cancelled. alot of ppl cannot go, and also nothing to watch lor.

yesterday i went to punggol plaza CD shop and look for butterfly effect, but i couldnt find it there. guess i'll have to go all the way down to rivervale plaza then.

ah, my toilet door havent fix yet, i wonder when my father will do.

lol, juz now i play rs with tok, we went pk-ing. omfg, he died with full rune, got skull...!! lol!! both of us were like.. oh my god? what the..? lol, congrats, tok, guess no more pk-ing with u for 1 week or so. hahahah..

oh yes, i bought a tube of lightsticks, 25 pcs for $3, not too ex, can chalet use, haha =)

i'm bored bored bored... i cant find my playstation set. i short of the adaptor and my box of games is missing. gotta check with mum.

i felt like installing serioussam to play, but damn, i'm hell rusty. gotta need some polish to get back some top 50's standard, lolz.

i'm all onto games now, cos i got back my result and i can really take that burden off.

DTJK hereby declares: The End Of 2004 & The Beginning Of Holidays. ;) Friends, be cool and have fun!
Waiting For The Day To Come.

How Foolish I was.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

tml last day! woohoo!! then fri take report book.. weeee =)

long time no update liaoz. too busy with games, lolz. as i said, i reformatted my system and now its super lag-free. song bo...!

sighs. lately my brother has been really getting on my nerves. hmm.. dunno y, maybe he got more guai lan, or maybe i got more hot-tempered. arghs, nvm la, since i fight always i win, so heck cares lor. =)

ahhh.. yesterday night i broke my toilet's door knob and now that door cannot lock! wah seh.. that door can be opened with 1 finger lor. ahhahaha.. maybe if the wind blows hard enough also can open. lol.

the chalet thingy, its $25 for those who staying overnight, and $15 for those who arent. prices DO NOT include meals, except BBQ on the first night. (8th of Nov) failure to make payment will be chased out of the chalet by my dogs. =)

damn, i juz received my basketball schedule for the holidays. twice a week, 8 to 11.30am.. zzz

this holidays i'm maybe going to have a swim, in case i totally forget how to. lol. eh, i'm a good swimming last time okay.. i achieved GoldStar award when i was below 10, and i learnt some lifesaving skills. but now i forgot all liao.. more than 3 years never swim loh..! wahahhaa..

btw guys, anyone watch butterfly effect? i feel like buying the CD to chalet watch, but its NC16. i scare got those "stuff".. ^_- comments anyone? i only know its something like a spooky show, but not ghost, mysterious.. x.x

How Foolish I was.

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

another long and boring day.

played cs when i woke up at 9am. there werent any pros around so DTJK dominated the entire server =) haha, my AK was on form as well. after the server changed map, i was kinda bored and i switched to msn, realising it was as boring as usual.

i switched on the TV and watch yesterday's recorded Wrestling [BOTTOMLINE]. yea its nice man, i cant wait to see TABOO Tuesday.

next, i decided to play runescape. crapx eh? ah.. nth to do mar. at this time my comp was lagging like mad. i was too lazy to restart, neither can i load rs.

i check my email inbox, and due to my carelessness, i was dumb enough to open a attachment from an unidentified sender! omg, i was 90% sure it was virus. i rebooted my system, and my Northern-Anti Virus is as fucked up as ever.

since i'm free.. i decided to reformat my system. afterall i havent reformatted for over nearly 5 months. took my nearly 3 hours for reformatting as well as installing all the applications that used to be in my comp. but i think its worth it lor. =)

now my entire system is running perfectly fine. well, i lost a couple of movies and maybe 100 songs i downloaded? LoLx..

oh yes i got good news! my parents upgraded my internet speed to 512KBPS! well, i used to use a 256KBPS one. woohoo, i'm twice as fast now ;)

oh yes and they got this free gift thingy, and i cant bloody believe it. guess what? that free gift was a MP3 Player! and what shocks me most is that its same model as mine!! well, my capacity is 512MB while that gift is only 256MB.

aiya, if i waited a little longer, my parents would have saved 260 bucks.. lol which means now my hse got 2 MP3 players =)

anyone wanna buy MuVo TXFM 256 MB for.. $150? LoLx.

oh yes i went to my grandma's house yesterday. i'm not sure if u know about this, but i've mastered some professional magic tricks =) well, i borrowed a $1 coin from my uncle and i made it disappear, and it totally FREAKED my younger cousin out. LOL! i also predicted every card they chose from my deck of poker cards, and of course i was all correct. my grandma and grandpa and my uncles were like.. "omg"? LoLx. i'll show at chalet ok guys.. ;)
hahahaha.. alright, cya around guys.

I'll give you up tonight. But only 1 person has the power to stop it. You. But, will you?

How Foolish I was.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

yay.. DELL replaced my I/O panel liao.. finally, i can enjoy the convenience of the USB port being at the front of the CPU, instead of using the ones at the back all the time. =)

some of my pri friends got back their results, and as usual, they claimed they didnt well and blah blah.. lol..

and me? i havent got back my results and i arent looking forward to it. i fear maths, english and science. maths used to be a subject i loved and owned, but probably the lack of practice brought me to such a situation. sad man.. lolz, think i regret? heck no. its over anyway =)

weeee.. i'm bored. for some reason, which i apparently dont know, my cs has become super laggy, i can hardly play. maybe its a time to reformat? lazy. x.x

oh yes guys i take this chance to tell u guys about the chalet thingy, date is 8 - 10 of NOV, Costa Sands at Pasir Ris, Double-Storey. the cost for the chalet is $170, and there're around 12 - 15 people going, which means u'll have to pay more than 10. including BBQ, that'll be.. $20? ah.. i dont know, lol.

anyway.. yay! no sch tml! y? i dont know also, haha

For Friends Out There, Whatever Your Results Are, How Good And How Bad, Its Time To Enjoy The Holidays.. =)

Stress-Relief Help-line: 97873002 or add my msn =) lol.. j/k

when did the craze of secret messages like this start?

How Foolish I was.

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Monday, October 18, 2004


my parents went to the dentist while i stayed at home to wait for their call. then, i took MRT to outram where my parents met me there. we then drove to Funan IT mall and i bought my MP3 Player!! 512 MB, Creative TX FM~ so shiok!

hehe, thats my player, small eh? =P

ahahahaha.. at home, i had a hard time figuring out how to use the programmes to transfer songs to the player. but.. my player can connect thru the USB port and do a direct transfer using drag and drop process. super easy, but.. on that night i discover my USB port spoil liao!!

wah.. lucky i discover, cos my comp still under warrenty until 15.11.04!! heng arhz.. almost reaching liao.. i transfered 2 S.H.E albums then i sleep liao.. cos next day got school =(


went to sch at 7.30 for comp course that starts at 8. its abt learning HTML, using dreamwaver.. oh god, it was sooo boring.. the basics they taught were sooo basic that a html noob like me know liao.. ah.. i hope the course on wed will be teaching something i didnt learn b4 loh..

woohoo!! my father bought digital camera liao! so shiok! i spent the whole afternoon playing wif it and reading the manual book. Sony A-400 =)

and yes! i found a potential buyer on my Mini-Disc Player for $50.. lets hope he buys =)

oh yes.. i called DELL about my USB port juz now. the person ask me to open the CPU cover and re-plug the stuff inside. all the chips and wires etc. and shit.. my entire hse all dust, thanks to my CPU.. 1 more thing, i cant close the cover back!! but the USB port really is spoil liao, and DELL is gonna replace it for me, as well as close the cover back. right now, my CPU is open 1..

i also transfered all the songs i want to my mp3 player liao.. 76 tracks, taking up less than 130MB, using WMA format =)

I'm a happy Man~

How Foolish I was.

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Saturday, October 16, 2004

this is the first weekend after my exams.. yesterday rox man, so fun.. =)

went out with primary sch friends at tiong bahru plaza. the girls didnt want to watch movie, and i was kinda disappointed. then they want to watch a GHOST show! i was like.. "oh fuck.."

lolz.. hengs arhz, after playing some arcade, they decide to watch "New Police Story". Of cos, i'm so happy, as well as relieved -.-

wow, in this movie, jackie cry ALOT sia! but this movie so-so to me so-so only, unlike others.. this movie alot of gun and bombs, and very little physical fighting, unlike the Police Story I and II.. but its kinda touching and funny, thats jackie style man! except for the touching part.. dotx

Overall Rating 7/10 =)

after that movie, we had dinner at KFC..

and gosh, karen, if u're gonna eat that little food, u arent gonna grow to 170 and reach ur ambition =P

then we went to tiong bahru park and played daidee and we used candles as a source of light. romantic eh? 4 girls 2 guys somemore, ahahhahhaah j/k xD

played other games like heart attack and dunno wat "shithead" by zhan wei. heart attack was cool man~ lol reached home at 10.30, had a cup of tea so i can stay up longer and catch some shows. but i realise that there was no show on that night.. dammit, and of course, that cup of tea kept me wide awake. thus.. chat with karen and after she doze off i watch a bit of wresting.. =)

great day~

How Foolish I was.

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ahhhh.. haven blog for like 20 days eh? i like forgot how to blog liao.. *looks around*

weeeee exams was tough.. freaking tough.. my triple sci 100% gone liao, fuck.. i juz nope i dont kena history next year loh.. sighs.. lets have a little prediction shall we?

English: C5
Chinese: B4
Maths: A2
Science: A2
History: C5
Geog: B3
Lit: b4
Home Econs: F9
Art: Heck With This Subject

lol.. i'm disappointed on the day i did maths, i calculated and i lost over 17 marks already, for paper 2, fuck.. lets pray the rest of the qns no careless mistake loh.. then i MAYBE can have A1..

and yes! home econs sucks. they ask my a qns on additivies, i put all the "msg". i hope will at least have 1 correct? lol.. afterall, i arent suppose to be a housewife. =)

and yes, fuck art also.. waste so much of my time, nearly 4 hours to do the preparatory work. crap subject..

ahh i'll remember this year 2004 sec 2, becos this is 1 of the toughest exams i had.. *points to English and Maths* sighs..

wah after exams i like everyday go out sia! so shiOK~ anyway, we can all shiok from the day the exams ended, but all the sianess will come back when we get our results..

and yesterday night, i juz realise that Resident Evil is NC16.. DAMN LAR.. aiya.. nvm, later gonna watch New Police Story with friends loh~ woot!! my Idol~ jAcKIee#

cya guys

How Foolish I was.

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